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Product and Service Consulting for Financial Industry

Product and Service Consulting for Financial Industry


Advanced Business Application Platform and Framework Software for Bank Industry

Featuring as business directed, industry based and easily built, business application platform provides develop framework and operating support for enterprise applications, as well as the corresponding tools of development and maintenance.

KBF-------Kunlun Business Platform

KBF is the new generation application platform for bank business, which turns Model-Driven Development (MDD) into reality for the applications of back business. The main job of developing applications in KBF is to design business model, but not to program; and with the help of KBF, the application developers do not have to be programmers, but would be architects and model designers. The features of KBF have elevated the efficiency and quality of development into a new high level. Everbright Bank, Shenzhen Clearing Center for City Commercial Banks, Xinjiang Rural Credit Cooperatives, Qinghai Rural Credit Cooperative have already implemented KBF successfully.

Excellent IT Planning and Consulting for Bank Industry

   Help the clients know the history and direction of bank industry, and design coping strategies. Helping clients establish enterprise architecture concept and working frame. Offering of most suitable IT planning of great reference value; helping clients draw up the IT architecture plan integrated with the latest technology and business structure plan: making the development strategy of enterprise into practical.

Best Overall Solution of IT Architecture for Bank Industry

  Help clients establish the new plan of their business and IT architecture and the core business system with the shortest time, best affects and lowest cost; based and supported by the KBF, the overall solution on IT architecture helps clients build a stable IT architecture which meets the requirements both at present and in the future, and assures to achieve the final target gently and smoothly.
KBF-------Kunlun Business Platform
I. Complete Platform for Business Applications
Composed with Service Center, Presentation Center(including desktop, web desktop, telephone, mobile devices, self-service terminal), Collaboration Center, Development Center, eXtensible Workbench and eXtensible Communication Server, KBF provides complete end-to-end support for business; as for bank industry, it meets the construction needs of almost all applications, like product service, ESB, electronic bank, unified workbench and self-service bank.
II. Platform for Broad Usage
Based on Windows/ Linux/ Unix and .NET/ J2EE, it is easy to deploy KBF into the mainstream infrastructure. The applications based on KBF are featured as high processing capability, scalability and reliability, which are able to support the core business of large financial firms. It is also a platform with standard SOA architecture and standard interface, which enable KBF high extendibility.
III. Based on the enterprise architecture theory, Models drive design
Relying on enterprise architecture theory, KBF provides detailed business process design, data definition, application development for end-to-end business and operation solutions.
IV. Pursuit for the Best User Experience
With the help on KBF, clients can easily build an excellent application system on the presentation layer, which supports multi-channels and remote collaboration, and offer the final users, front office staff and customers, a high quality operation interface and service experience of excellence; can easily construct advanced background system, whose stability and data consistency would bring the back-office staff a better operation experience; KBF not only provides the developers with a beautiful, intuitive graphics to display the results, but the design input is of great quickness, and one can even test in the graphical interface, which offers a pleasing and efficient experience to developers.
Overall Solutions of IT Architecture of Bank Industry
Architecture Plan for Classic Bank Business
Values for Customers
- Convergence of technical architecture and application ones, which enables clients to focus on the applications tightly related with business architecture and the planning of data architecture----greatly improve the level of IT infrastructure planning.
- Improve the implementation level of the whole IT applications system, and the customer’s service experience s well; help to enhance the company's brand value and market position
- Lower cost of deployment and operation
- Standard architecture and excellent reusable design make full use of the existed IT investment, and have also considered how to keep the invest value of architecture in the future.
- Enterprises can design the IT system according to their own business planning, avoiding normal problems when introducing foreign systems into local business----reducing the implementation risk